Why is Takshashila different?
Takshashila focuses on imparting education enabling students to not only make the most of their future opportunities but also encourages them to deal with constant changes.
Takshashila always strives to apply the most innovative and creative teaching methods introducing the latest technology into the classroom to teach academic concepts and meet the individual needs that help students improve their academic outcomes and address real problems.
Takshashila promotes a culture that ensures that students are given ample time to develop their interests and learn the wider skills required of them in a safe and caring environment, while still being academically engaged. “The core aim of education and learning should be to foster holistic development”.
When parents and school build up valuable partnerships, the benefit for students is reflected in improved learning outcomes. Takshashila appreciates for the important role parents play in their children's schooling.
Participation in these activities supplements the academic curriculum and helps in learning by doing. Extra / Co-curricular activities can help shape great career paths.
Teachers attend regular training every year. The training enhances teachers’ capacity on different teaching pedagogy and introduces them to newer technologies relevant inside and outside the classrooms.
At Takshashila teachers use relevant information from different online portals on a weekly basis to help their students understand the theories from their text books. With the interactive whiteboards and the computers used throughout the school SMART CLASS is used to bring the curriculum to life and to stimulate and engage students in their learning.
We want our students to attend STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics) classes which are designed to bring stimulating hands-on experiences into the classroom. These experiences do not replace the regular curriculum, instead they enhance it. We are seeking to build a partnership with such institution that can help us in implementing STEAM education.